zaterdag 11 oktober 2014

Live drawing @ Participation on Trial

Participation on Trial, 10-11 October
Doopsgezinde Kerk & Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam

Drawings I made as a 'court artist' during the conference Participation on Trial, which discussed questions around participatory art in the form of a mock trial against 'the prevailing paradigm' in the contemporary art world and its public institutions. In the end, the judgement was that 'the prevailing paradigm' was indeed guilty of all charges, except that the accused could not be found, because no one knew what it was. According to the defense, this meant that the trial was a farce; according to the jury, it meant that we are all guilty.

The Judge
The Prosecutor

The Defense Attorney
Witness à charge
Witness à charge 2

Witness à decharge
The Defense

The Court Registrar

The Jury
A Question from the Audience

A Witness from the Audience

The Curator
The Photographer
A face from the Defense
A face from the Audience

The Jury Verdict

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